Booking Terms

These booking terms refer to all services, whether directly or indirectly (through distributors) available by the Internet-site on-line, by e-mail or telephone. By accessing or using our Web site with get-to-know purpose or making a booking, You acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed with following booking rules.

Stages of booking

1 stage - to choose a hotel.

To choose a hotel you can either by completing a form of search or using a service «Hotels catalogue».

If You decided to avail Yourself of the form of search on the main page, please, specify:

  • region, city, or specific hotel, which you can choose with hepl of prompts;
  • date of arrival to the hotel and check-out date (or put a mark, if the travel date is unknown);
  • either number of places in the room (single, double, triple or four-person room) or don't mark if the number of residents is not yet known.

After clicking a search button, the system will find all rooms, which offer kind of accommodation which You need and which is free on the stated date of stay.

If You prefer to search through a hotel catalogue, then select necessary area and the city, where You need to book a hotel. The system will offer You all possible options, available in the city.

From the list of select hotels choose the hotel that You like, which does for price and quality of provided services, and also for additional criterias (distance from the airport, centre, railway station, ability of parking, restaurant, etc.)

Got to know with room fund, select appropriate number, state dates of arrival and departure, number of residents (if You didn't do it before), number of required rooms and click «Reserve».

stage 2 - checking the information about the reservation.

In opened booking form, please check the name of selected hotel and its location, information about selected room and date of arrival and departure from the hotel, the number of nights and price for one night and familiarize yourself with obligatory prepayment sum.

Next, complete all required fields (name and surname of paying guest, valid telephone number in international format, correct e-mail address, payment method and special wishes (e.g. wide bed, acommodation with children, etc.)) Please, complete your email carefully, because on receiving of prepayment we'll send You a voucher for acommodation, which is nesessary at check-in.

Refer also to the rules of booking cancel and flag that You accept them. Next, press the button «Reserve». After few seconds You will see a confirmation of booking on the screen, which will be duplicated to Your e-mail, as soon as the hotel confirms the reservation.

stage 3 - confirmation of reservation

As soon as the hotel (in a period no longer than 24 hours) confirm the reservation, to Your email address will be sent a letter of successfully effected reservation, in which You'll be offered payment variants. Also in the letter will specify the confirmation number of reservation, which You need in case You want to change/cancel the reservation. And after the confirmation of the fact of payment we'll send You electronic voucher for acommodation, which is necessary for Your successful check-in and adjustment of payment sum for accommodation.

stage 4 - payment produced booking

In a letter with confirmation of reservation, You will be offered 2 variants of payment - full and partial. Full prepayment (required in a limited number of hotels) provides for 100% payment of all period of acommodation. Partial prepayments provides for payment for one day of acommodation with subsequent full calculating of acommodation period directly at the hotel. To make a payment You can in one of the following ways:

1. With the help of payment cards - VISA, MasterCard, Maestro - to make a payment you can immediately after the confirmation of Your booking the hotel, about which we will inform You additionally. A link to the page with variants of payment You will be able to find in the letter, confirming the booking. On the payment page, You should complete the following information:

  • number of plastic card;
  • name and surname of card holder;
  • month and year of the expiry of the plastic card;
  • Card Security Code (CVC/CVV/CID) - additional three- or four-digit security code printed on the back of your card.

2. With the help of the system of international electronic transfers Western Union - to send a remittance is enough to complete a form, present an identity document of the sender, to pay a sum of the remittance to the cash desk, after that an operator will inform the sender of the remittance number, which should be reported to recipient. Free telephone in Ukraine 0-800-5000-030.

3. With the help of invoice (possibly at reservation not later than 3 days before the arrival), i.e. at Your specified e-mail will be sent a receipt with details, which can be paid in any branch of the bank.

4. Using the service of Privat24 -, i.e. Internet-banking for the clients of PrivatBank. or

5. Webmoney - universal way for calculating in the Network.

6. Aval-Express. Free telephone in Ukraine is 0-800-500-5000

7. Unistream - international system of urgent money remittance for natural persons.

On the fact of receipt of payment (prepayment) at Your email address will be sent a VOUCHER FOR an ACOMMODATION, in which are specified all details of made booking: hotel name, room type, dates and duration of stay in hotel, full name and contact data of the customer, total amount to be paid and amount of prepayment. This voucher is needed for a successful check-in to a booked room, and also for confirmation (correction) of made payment.

If You have not receive a voucher for check-in during one hour after You notified us about the payment (and also made sure that it's not in folders "Spam" or "Junk mail"), please contact us by the telephone: +38 067 166-52-70 or +38 050 548-46-06.

Customer support service works round-the-clock.

Cancel procedure

In case of changing of circumstances, You have a possibility to cancel a booking, which you made earlier. All terms of cancellation of reservation (procedure, punitive measures, terms) are shown on the hotel's page in a separate block «Cancellation» in a section «Rules of acommodation», and also in electronic form of reservation confirmation. Adjustment of the order, (changing, cancellation) can be made through user's personal account in the unit «Current booking». For its implementation, You need to input a number of order confirmation, sent earlier to Your email address, and then follow the instructions.

Please, make a careful study of booking cancellation rules, because late cancellations or no-arrival involve almost always considerable punitive measures for benefit of hotels (minimum sum is a cost of one day of acommodation in the room). In addition, please pay attention, that certain tariffs in a section «Discounts and special offers cannot be cancelled or changed.

Subsequent cooperation with the site

By making a reservation, you agree to receive 3 electronic messages to your email address. The first message will be sent to You to confirm Your booking. It comes in the period from 30 minutes to 24 hours after making Your reservation as soon as the hotel will confirm it, and includes possible payment options. Second, sent immediately after the confirmation of a fact of the payment is an electronic voucher for check-in, in which are specified all details of Your booking (hotel name, its address and contact details, periods of acommodation, category of the room), and which You need for successful check-in. The third and the last message You receive immediately after your acommodation - this is a form of revocation of a guest, in which You can share your impressions of acommodation in the hotel and which will be used solely for formation of rating of the hotel and will not be used in any other (including commercial) purposes.

All hotels in Ukraine