Hotels in Poliana, showing 18

by price
by rating
by star
by distance from address
from UAH 650 up UAH 1100

Hotel Sunny valley

Poliana, ул. Курортная, 10
Guest house "Sunny valley" is a modern medical and health-improving complex, which is located on the territory of the famous resort of "Sunny Zakarpatye". This guest house is a great variant of rest on principle "all inclusive".
Free rooms
from UAH 595 up UAH 945

Hotel Reikartz Polyana

Poliana, Zhovtnevaya Street 25
The elite hotel of the Euro-class "Reikartz Polyana" is located in the famous balneological resort of Transcarpathia - Polyana, in the picturesque valley of the river Penya. The hotel offers vacationers accommodation in comfortable rooms of various comfort levels
Free rooms
from UAH 550 up UAH 950

Hotel Quelle Polyana

Poliana, 112-B, Duhnovicha str.
Tourist complex "Quelle Polyana" is located in a picturesque corner of Carpathians, in village Polyana at a height of 340 m above the sea level. Here guests are offered not only to have a good rest, but also to get healthier. The complex accommodates guests in cozy rooms of different level of comfort equipped with all comforts.
Free rooms
from UAH 500 up UAH 500

Hotel Polyanskiy zamok

Poliana, Solar street, 23
The resort village of Polyana, surrounded by the Carpathian forests located hotel "Polyanskiy zamok". The hotel consists of 13 rooms of price categories - Luxury, Eco. Each room, regardless of category, decorated with natural materials and equipped with comfortable furniture and appliances for a rest.
Free rooms
from UAH 495 up UAH 795

Sanatorium Sunny glade

Poliana, на базе санатория Cолнечное Закарпатье
Sanatorium complex "Sunny glade" is located near v.Polyana, in paradise corner of the Transcarpathian region, which is famous for its unique nature and hospitality of local residents.
Free rooms
from UAH 475 up UAH 650

Hotel Solnechniy Promin

Poliana, street Resort
Modern hotel "Solnechniy Promin" located in the heart of the resort of Sunny Transcarpathia and opened its doors to the first guests in 2014. Rooms consist of 19 spacious rooms of price categories - Standard, Standard Superior Single, Twin, Junior Suite, Suite
Free rooms
from UAH 467 up UAH 900

Hotel Fantasia

Poliana, 30-А, Oktiabrskaya str.
New 4-star hotel "Fantasia" is located in the most picturesque place of Transcarpathia - balneological resort, village Polyana, which is famous primarily for its mineral water "Polyana Kvasova" and "Polyana Kupel".
Free rooms
from UAH 450 up UAH 650

Hotel Kateryna

Poliana, Solar street, 55-B
Modern Hotel "Kateryna" is located in the heart of the resort village of Polyana, where guests can dive into the world of harmony and comfort. Rooms consists of a bright and cozy rooms categories - Standard, Junior Suite, Apartment.
Free rooms
from UAH 440 up UAH 440

Hotel Zdravnica Karpat

Poliana, Str. Holiday
Hotel "Zdravnica Karpat" invites guests to relax in a comfortable environment surrounded by fresh mountain air and the Carpathian Mountains. The hotel is a two-storey cottages, each of which are Standard rooms. The rooms are equipped with comfortable furniture and modern appliances for an unforgettable holiday guests.
Free rooms
from UAH 400 up UAH 400

Recreation center Карина

Poliana, ул.Шевченко 31
База отдыха "Карина" расположилась в живописном, а главное в экологически чистом месте Закарпатья и обеспечит гостям комфортный и незабываемый отдых. База отдыха представляет собой одноэтажные и двухэтажные коттеджи , которые имеют все необходимое, чтобы создать гостям наилучшие условия во время пребывания на отдыхе.
Free rooms
from UAH 375 up UAH 500

Hotel Oasis Karpat

Poliana, Street October, 35
Surrounded by the Carpathian peaks located hotel "Oasis Karpat", in which everything is created for a comfortable and memorable stay. The clean mountain air, own a small lake, comfortable rooms, a friendly atmosphere await guests at the time of stay "Oasis Karpat".
Free rooms
from UAH 375 up UAH 375

Hotel Злата Вежа

Poliana, ул. Курортная, 19
Элитный отель «Злата Вежа» представляет собой величественный и современный четырехэтажный особняк с номерами класса эконом, полулюкс, люкс и апартаменты и располагается на территории курорта "Солнечное Закарпатье". Во всех номерах отеля есть собственный санузел, телевизор, DVD, холодильник, телефон, электрочайник.
Free rooms
from UAH 360 up UAH 600

Hotel Lileya

Poliana, resort Solnechnoe Zakarpatye
Private hotel of Euro class "Lileya" is located on the territory of well-known sanatorium "Solnechnoe Zakarpatye" and represented as perfect combination of high level of service and reasonable prices. Here the guests will be accommodated in comfortable single, double and triple rooms of categories "standard", "junior suite" and "luxury suite".
Free rooms
from UAH 333 up UAH 750

Hotel Continent

Poliana, 59, Solnechnaya str.
Located at height of 340 meters above sea level, in сentral part of the village Polyana hotel "Continent" impress its guests with atmosphere of wild nature of the Carpathian mountains, hospitality, home comfort and the highest level of service.
Free rooms
from UAH 0 up UAH 0

Hotel София

Poliana, ул. Курортная, 6
Отельный комплекс «София» - это рай косметологии в мире дикой природы Карпат. Главный корпус отеля, выполненный в стиле барокко, состоит из 16 уникальных люкс-номеров, оборудованных мебелью из натурального дерева, спутниковым ТВ, доступом к Интернет, холодильником и сейфом.
No available rooms
from UAH 0 up UAH 0

Hotel У Тараса

Poliana, с. Яковское
Отельный комплекс «У Тараса» создан для тех, кто мечтает покорить Карпаты сидя верхом на лошади. На территории отеля лошадей разводят и селекционируют, здесь предлагают воспользоваться услугами инструктора на учебном ипподроме или организовать поход в горы на лошадях.
No available rooms
from UAH 0 up UAH 0

Hotel Эдельвейс

Poliana, ул. Курортная (боковая), 4
Главный корпус частного отеля «Эдельвейс» представляет собой трехэтажный коттедж, в котором находятся 10 номеров класса «Стандарт», «Студио» и «Люкс». Чудесная панорама на горы открывается с балкона каждого номера.
No available rooms
from UAH 0 up UAH 0

Hotel Закарпатье

Poliana, отель Закарпатье, отельный комплекс
Пятиэтажный отельный комплекс «Закарпатье» расположен на территории парка, и предлагает гостям расположиться в номерах, оснащенных телевизором, чайником, санузлом и балконом, откуда открывается живописный пейзаж.
No available rooms

Poliana- is a fabulous area for those who want to combine an unforgettable and vivid rest with treatment. The main method of treatment in the resort is the use of mineral water, as well as physiotherapy and gymnastics. Here, all the attention will surround the best qualified doctors, and located the necessary specialized medical equipment in each nursing home. Vacationers will appreciate the resort's convenient location therapeutic because Poliana is located in a narrow valley among the lush forests of the Carpathian. It is worth noting that not only medicine, but also the beautiful nature and mountain air attracts and heals thousands of tourists from many cities of Ukraine. A wide range of hotels, inns and boarding houses awaits those who contact the hotel reservations department. Comfortable rest, qualified staff, wide range of services - all this awaits tourists in the treatment or holiday in Poliana. Wellness Resort Poliana invites you at any time of the year to rest and treatment, surrounded by the Carpathian peaks.
